Chris Farrell Ph.D. is a practitioner and innovation professional withtwenty-five years private sector experience developing and managing thecreation of new products and their manufacturing technologies.Developments from his many patents have been commercialized and wonawards. His contribution to polymer chain dynamics had earlier vitalized animportant stream of applied physics. Patents & publicatons are listed hereHe founded Technology Matters in 1999, initially to provide experttestimony in products liability lawsuits but later, in 2001, to create RightProducts Today™ for NASA. An earlier technology forecast he made forAmerican Can's corporate technology strategy brought him to the economicsof innovation and the discovery of a mutual interest in using Sears Catalog datawith Northwestern's Robert J. Gordon. Finding Economics's orthodoxy lacking heturned instead to the rich contributions of innovators before him.He went on to discover that economic growth obeys four previously undiscoveredscientific laws whose very simple algebra has been hiding in plain sight for decades.These are published in the compendium Innovation in Economics Missing PiecesChris Farrell received his B.A. in Natural Sciences from Cambridge University(Christ’s College) and his Ph.D. in Physics under Professor Andrew KellerFRS. He served on the Board of Directors for the Product Development andManagement Association and on the Industry Relations Advisory Board ofNorthwestern University. Direct your questions to