How Ideas become Objects. How adopted Objects become Economic Growth.
The Economics of Ideas
...with consequences,
How ideas become objects and how objects become economic growth needs a key measure of innovation that controls a funnel of ideas whose emergent objects take a commercially successful path to adoption within a National Accounting framework. This purposeful origin should constitute the Economics of Ideas, but it doesn't. 1: Growth Economics is held back by a conjecture known as 'Factor Productivity'. This productivity, which is either Total or Multi-Factor, has been refined by decades of tweaks that have not rescued it, and cannot rescue it, from its systemic faults. 2: Therefore the Economics of Ideas must come from somewhere else. That somewhere else is from tacit knowledge owned by those who practice in commercial settings hidden from campus view. This isolation is by distance and by the rules of non-disclosure. Academic freedoms to publish and teach do not apply. Its potency is fueled by data on actualities not easily available for analysis by outsiders. 3: Using this unique knowledge since 1970, commercially motivated innovation professionals have discovered a superior fit-to-purpose solution now in the public domain as Innovation in Economics: Missing Pieces. There are many missing pieces but the most important ones are the four previously undiscovered scientific laws whose very simple algebra has been hiding in plain sight for decades. This scientific foundation allows it to be described as the Principia of Economic Growth. 4: Find out more from 'Looking Inside' Innovation in Economics: Missing Pieces Economic Growth is stimulated just by measuring innovation when that measurement is economically connected to it. The Economics of Ideas promises that national consequence when the 8-steps above are followed.